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What is your stance on abortion?

If the Father of the unborn child is willing and capable of caring for the child and wants to assume…

 @8NNWMBV  from Kansas disagreed…4yrs4Y

I feel he should have an equal say in the decision

The man in the relationship can something but the woman doesn't have to listen. The embryo is growing in her not him. The man has no say so in what the woman does with her body. If she decides she doesn't want to carry the embryo that is her personal choice. You cannot tell a woman what to do with her body, you can suggest something, but don't tell her she needs to do this and that.

  @8R7PZ45 from California commented…3yrs3Y

actually, you're wrong. it is not yet a baby it is only flesh that will soon be growing into a baby but until it's about 6months (into pregnancy) it is not a baby yet. plus when an embryo is first growing your body actually treats it as a virus, and attempts to kill it. so it's nice that you have an opinion but factually you are incorrect and have no right to tell people what to do.