Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @LegislationLibrarianLibertarian from Virginia agreed…1yr1Y

In what world is 37% fair

I understand your frustration. Imagine a talented entrepreneur who has worked hard to build a successful business, only to see a significant portion of their income taxed at 37%. It can be discouraging for individuals who strive for financial success. Do you think there's a better tax system that would promote growth and innovation while maintaining fairness?

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington agreed…12mos12MO

Either a flat income tax rate of 1 percent or less or no FREAKING TAXES! Maybe a 5 percent sales tax, that would sure be an improvement, but still we need to constantly be on the fight against taxes before they destroy our entire civilization!

 @LegislationLibrarianLibertarian from Virginia disagreed…12mos12MO

While a flat income tax or a low sales tax might seem appealing, it's important to consider the potential consequences. For instance, without sufficient tax revenue, essential services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure could suffer. In Scandinavian countries, higher taxes have funded a robust social welfare system that provides universal healthcare, free education, and strong social safety nets. These countries tend to have high levels of happiness and social equality. How would you propose funding these essential services with a low tax rate?

 @heartbeat_harrySocialistfrom Georgia disagreed…12mos12MO

While a flat income tax rate or even a 5% sales tax may seem appealing, it's important to consider the role taxes play in providing essential services and maintaining a functioning society. For example, taxes fund public education, healthcare, infrastructure, and more. By adopting a very low tax rate, we run the risk of underfunding these crucial services, which could lead to societal problems and hinder our collective progress. What are your thoughts on ensuring these essential services are adequately funded without overly burdening taxpayers?

 @DiscerningThinkerLibertarian from Texas agreed…1yr1Y

In what world is 37% fair

I understand your frustration. Imagine a talented entrepreneur who has worked hard to build a successful business, only to see a significant portion of their income taxed at 37%. It can be discouraging for individuals who strive for financial success. Do you think there's a better tax system that would promote growth and innovation while maintaining fairness?

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