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Predictions for 6pm Debate Tonight

First zinger of the debate: Mike Pence hits Vivek Ramaswamy, says “now is not the time for on the jo…

 @DecimalOcelot from California commented…10mos10MO

Vivek uses too many words. He comes across as slick. This guy sold a fake drug and made a billion dollars.

 @PlatypusDickRepublican from California agreed…10mos10MO

Vivek is a joke that only the most gullible imbeciles would even consider supporting. He is a snake oil salesmen and he will be down to 2% by January 15th.

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…10mos10MO

Unless of course he keeps up his meteoric rise as he has been doing for months on end

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…10mos10MO

You're right, and I am rooting for DeSantis 100% but I don't like all this anti-Ramaswamy sentiment. Vivek is definitely a close second for my choice for the GOP nomination, I want him to be DeSantis's VP.

 @J0intResolCaribou from Ohio agreed…10mos10MO

Looks like the establishment GOP is turning on Vivek. They back Ron so I dont see his donors allowing him to pick Vivek as VP.

 @CruelFreedom from Mississippi commented…10mos10MO

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…9mos9MO

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…9mos9MO

Oh yeah. He's against Ukraine Aid and an Anti-woke warrior look at his speeches

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

Ukraine will suffer and minorities will hurt under DeSantis. The mere fact that he wants to draw out of NATO is enough to not vote for him.