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2 Replies

 @9HBRQQWRepublican from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

I do agree with this comment about abortion. Everything we have says that it is not right. As soon as the baby is conceived you have started to build a life inside of you. Therefore, if you end that life inside of you, it is a sin, and it is murder.

 @9HBRHWG from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

There are many reasons for why abortion is not murder. Biggest reason being life-threatening conditions brought about by pregnancy. If going through with a pregnancy would kill the mother if not both the mother and fetus, then an abortion should be allowed. What about rape? Why should someone have to go through a life-altering change because someone else broke the law? People bring up adoption all the time, but the fact is there are not enough people willing to adopt the kids currently available. Adoption is also incredibly expensive and can take years to actually happen. These are just a couple of reasons why abortion should be legal and not considered murder.

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