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24 Replies

 @FabulousOppositionRepublican from Tennessee commented…5mos5MO

Call me a cynic but somehow I feel that even if you gave $100 trillion, *nothing* would change.

Not the grievance culture, not the demands, not even the standards of living. By the end of the decade, everything would circle back to step 1 and the song and dance would begin again.

 @GrizzledConservaConstitution from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

Passenger boat rides heading east across the Atlantic are far cheaper.

 @FabulousOppositionRepublican from Tennessee commented…5mos5MO

Adjusted for inflation, we have already given them at least than much. And where has it gone? To the shareholders of Nike and Hennessy.

 @JoyfulGrizzlyLibertarian from Wisconsin commented…5mos5MO

The truth of the matter is it would be a wealth transfer that would end up as rims, gold chains, and other ridiculous garbage and they would be no better off. No purchase of land, or investment. Just “Chapelle Show” level antics

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington agreed…5mos5MO

These people can just go back to Africa if America is so terrible. But there are plenty of decent black people who love this country and work hard for it, like Booker T. Washington and S.B. Fuller, who scolded their fellow black men for whining about racism instead of becoming self-sufficient entrepreneurs and hard workers. Get some of that spirit and the problem is solved. But if you aren't willing to take some initiative, get out of my country. I don't want to pay to support you.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Yeah, honestly the “reparations” should be fixing systemic racism, not just a random pay out that fixes nothing, though I doubt that most of it would be misused, it just wouldn’t have much effect.

 @9J8H9BJWomen’s Equality from Georgia commented…5mos5MO

I'm in favor of reparations for African American people.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Yeah just not like… extreme amounts of funds. I’m thinking ACTUALLY FIXING RACISM instead. The reparations are destroying racial bias in our institutions and using things like CRT as a partial basis. (CRT is wrong about race being entirely social).

 @9J8548D from Indiana commented…5mos5MO

Forcing massive groups of individuals to work for free, for centuries could make any nation great. It just so happen, in this reality, on Earth, Africans were chosen to do the hard work that started the US economy. Fast forward, African Americans still do not share a percentage to the wealth they help create. The United States cannot get out of $30 trillion debt until what is owed from the past is paid for.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

It's stupid to pay people for wrongs they never experienced. It wasn't the modern blacks who were slaves, but blacks generations ago. No one owes anyone anything anytime, period.

  @mikaylaxca  from Utah commented…5mos5MO

This is a waste of money, and white people should have no responsibility for "making up" for mistakes of their ancestors.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington agreed…5mos5MO

And it wasn't a mistake in many cases, the whites inherited slaves from the forefathers and because they were in debt, were not legally allowed to free their slaves...

 @9J83QYQ from Idaho commented…5mos5MO

14 Trillion is a number that can't be comprehended

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Yeah, it’s bigger than the amount of money needed to literally transition economic systems.

 @9J8FWP2 from Texas commented…5mos5MO

While I agree what happened to the Africans brought to American in slavery was horrible I don’t think it’s right to demand payment from white people now solely based on them being white. Every country in the world had owned slaves at some point, every country has at one point treated another group of people horribly, it’s sadly not rare in human history. It’s important to learn about the past so we don’t make the same horrible choices going forward

 @EnderKilgannon  from Indiana commented…5mos5MO

It's well deserved, we should pay reparations, we used them to gain our standing now, we held back their ability to prosper, they deserve to come up, if my taxes go up because of it, I will gladly pay.

 @9J8BTFF from California commented…5mos5MO

I feel African Americn should recive some sort of reparations due to the lifelong set back they have dealt with for many decades holding back geberatons from excelling and generaltional wealth.

 @9J88MG6 from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

 @9J887DY from Connecticut commented…5mos5MO

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

What a moron. He conveniently forgets that a lot of blacks have some white DNA in their blood – that came in many cases from white slaveowners. He forgets that Muslims raided Europe for hundreds of years to enslave whites, that Africans enslaved whites, that Indians enslaved members of different tribes, AND that there were many BLACK slaveowners with BLACK slaves in the South, not to mention the whites who were also enslaved in America. If you're going to pay one group you've got to pay them all buddy...

 @9J87ND2from Maine commented…5mos5MO

It is horrendous, who determins whether you're black enough to recieve reparations, not all blacks had slave ancestors, only a majority- not all- slaves were black. It's hard to tell who benefitted from slavery and who would be worse off. Even if we did give reparations it would be unfair to take it out of tax payers money, and it would be a bad solution to the problem of poverty and crime among blacks. A better solution would be more police in black neighbourhoods, better funding for schools in those areas. You could also give families more opportunities to move away from these areas.

 @9J86TLX  from Texas commented…5mos5MO

I do think if reparations were paid it would start the healing process for many black Americans and the atrocities they faced throughout our country's history.

 @9J86F9Y from Ohio commented…5mos5MO

I was not alive to own a slave or know anyone that does so why should I have to pay black Americans for something I didn’t do.


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