Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @ShyGeldingPatriot from Florida commented…2mos2MO

Here's the problem, most countries DO NOT WANT MIGRANTS BACK. So now what?

 @SalamiAriannaNo Labelsfrom Guam agreed…2mos2MO

Yeah, China and Venezuela are two that I know of that won't take any of the illegals back. I guess it's going to come down to diplomacy - we will have to find some way to force them to take them back.

 @ShyGeldingPatriot from Florida disagreed…2mos2MO

The feds can transport them and leave them inside their home airports. Wether the other countries want it or not. That's how the deportations usually occur. After that it's their issue

 @SalamiAriannaNo Labelsfrom Guam commented…2mos2MO

Venezuela will not let flights in from the United States and Mexico.

 @LovesickEgalitarian from Illinois agreed…2mos2MO

And some Americans still think "they're sending their best". Wow I can't get over this.3

 @TaxationBellaRepublican from Minnesota agreed…2mos2MO

Trump instituted Visa holds for countries that refused to take deportations during his term, which worked out well because many of those countries depend greatly on remittance from the US, so it put a lot of pressure on those making the decisions.

 @AshamedTheRightTranshumanistfrom Maine agreed…2mos2MO

Choose a country that is refusing and occupy an area with a major airfield. then set up a system of deportation flights until at least half of that nation's illegal immigrants have been deported.

After that happens once or twice, the smaller nations will fall into line.

 @NourishingAnteaterPeace and Freedom from Michigan agreed…2mos2MO

Withhold any and all aid, tariff any products and make the deportation facilities as basic as possible. Either the countries will suffer the consequences or the illegals will self-deport. But that's just me.

 @XtraordinaryInt3grityRepublicanfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

We're beginning to consider a plan under which we might stop poking ourselves in the eye with a sharp stick.

 @LovingInd3p3ndentConstitutionfrom Wisconsin agreed…2mos2MO


How would you react if changing sanctuary city laws directly impacted someone you know?


Should a city provide a safe haven for immigrants irrespective of their legal status or alleged criminal behavior?

 @9KBWPLD from California commented…2mos2MO

es una injusticia porque tanto ellos como otra persona tienen derecho de tener una vida mejor. a nadie se le debe negar una ayuda.


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