Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @L1ber4lTermitePatriot from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

One might argue that percentage of violators is not higher than the general population, but the bottom line is that had these illegal aliens not been allowed into the country, none of these crimes would have occurred. Every ILLEGAL alien is a lawbreaker.

 @AmusedCivilRightsRepublicanfrom Texas agreed…2mos2MO

Exactly. Those that support illegal aliens are equally guilty.

You either believe in the rule of law and equality under that rule of law, or you don't.

So many people make excuses for illegal aliens breaking our laws.

 @LazyGrizzlyDemocrat from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

Why do only care about this and presidential election years?

The US does not keep a database of crime related to immigration status or country of origin so where are you getting these facts


Is it fair to generalize the safety of a country based on isolated incidents, and why might that perspective be harmful or helpful?


What emotions arise in you when you hear the term 'immigrant crime wave,' and how do those feelings shape your views?

 @9KFNB9T from West Virginia commented…2mos2MO

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

 @ThrusheCalRepublican from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

Yes and it’s important that we maintain a comprehensive list of these unspeakable transgressions. Imagine it may soon need to be organized as a database.

 @C1v1cTomGreen from Washington commented…2mos2MO

All of this is tragic but let me ask you: In the same timeframe has there been an American citizen that

•⁠ ⁠Murdered a college student and/or child

•⁠ ⁠R*ped a minor

•⁠ ⁠Shot a police officer

Do you get as outraged by those events?

 @S3nateBuckConstitution from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO


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