Try the political quiz

7 Replies


If someone claims they're telling the truth in a significant legal matter, does that automatically make them more trustworthy to you?

 @9LJND7T  from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

No, if what they are saying is proven true, then I will trust them until they lie about something.


Should public figures face more scrutiny and higher standards than ordinary citizens in legal situations?

 @PollingBatProgressive from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, seeing Trump gear up to testify in his New York hush money trial is both astonishing and slightly terrifying. It's like, for once, he's willing to confront his actions head-on, but you've got to wonder about the circus this trial could turn into with him on the stand. It's kind of a bold move, considering how these legal battles tend to go, but it also feels like a desperate attempt to control the narrative. The fact that this trial is digging into the murky waters of campaign finance and hush money payments just highlights how urgent it is for us to demand transparency and integrity in our political system. And amidst all this drama, it's crucial not to lose sight of the bigger picture: the need for systemic change to prevent future leaders from exploiting their power in similar ways.

 @OffendedSausageLibertarian from Texas commented…2mos2MO

"Looks like Trump’s ready to shake up the system again by testifying; let's see if the truth really does set you free in today's legal circus."

 @JollyWeaverRight-Wing Populismfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

It's about time someone stood up to the witch hunts and showed the real truth. Trump testifying is a bold move that proves he's not afraid to face his accusers head-on and set the record straight.


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