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565 Replies


Why Does the U.S. Arm Ukraine With Fanfare and Israel in Secret?

We know very little about how American weapons are used once they reach the Israeli military. Are they used in Gaza, and how? Are they flowing to the West Bank? Is there a possibility that they reach battalions that the United States is considering sanctioning because of alleged human rights violations?

When the Biden administration ships arms to Ukraine, it pulls out the megaphones. It announces its shipments and hails its own efforts “to support the brave Ukrainian people as they defend their country,” as Secretary of State Antony Blinken put it last month. The White House emphas…  Read more


How does the secrecy surrounding U.S. arms transfers to Israel impact your views on the ethical responsibilities of international support?

 @9LXZWX2  from Indiana answered…1mo1MO

There is clearly some inside people for Israel in the government, which in my opinion shouldn’t even be a thing. Money buys power in America and that should be investigated and taken more seriously and it actually be a crime.

 @9LXYMHP from Texas answered…1mo1MO

I have no idea, but it could be something about defending their country as a secret.

 @9LXX6WPRepublican from Arkansas answered…1mo1MO

I feel like they aren't being transparent enough to the public on what we are sending over there and how much it is costing us.


Why do you think the U.S. chooses to publicize support for Ukraine but not for Israel, and how does that align with your values on freedom of information?

 @9LXVXBT from Florida answered…1mo1MO

Because the general public agree that Ukraine are those to be helped because they have been victimized and maimed by Russia, but when they support Israel they know that its not something to super celebrate and that the u.s. government is supporting Israel for monetary interests, Israel is not to be celebrated and they know it.

 @9LY9DDK from Iowa disagreed…1mo1MO

Ukraine doesn't need help when all the money we sent in foreign aid could be used to lower the national deficit.

 @9LXVT78 from Maryland answered…1mo1MO

It's not "popular" with the left to support Israel, but it is popular to support Ukraine.

 @9LXVXMZ from Texas answered…1mo1MO

I think some people think that maybe Ukraine may be important then Israel but that's just what I think.

 @Ind3p3ndentSnailTranshumanistfrom Florida commented…1mo1MO

Ukraine is a country fighting for its freedom and its democracy against an invader, while Israel is a country bent on using the force of arms to subjugate a people whose land it has stolen and whose human rights it continues to deny.

Arming Israel has a bad look, because Israel is not defending itself against an invader, it IS the invader. It's as if we armed Russia.

 @EcstaticC0nstituti0nDemocrat from New York commented…1mo1MO

Such an Orwellian comment… literally a classic example of New Speak. These kind of statements are a true risk to democracy the left keeps warning about if a certain person get elected.

 @XtraordinaryL3gis1ativeDemocratfrom Florida commented…1mo1MO

I am a registered Democrat but will not vote for Joe Biden due to his two faced behaviors. Like not doing a thing to sanction the West Bank groups like he said he would. Biden is simply not worthy of being POTUS again, nor the other guy.

 @MothRayDemocrat from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

But one of them is going to be, and you would have to be blind to think that it wouldn't make a difference. Biden may not be doing exactly what you want in the Middle East, but he is much more likely to push back against Netanyahu than Trump would be, and is better on literally every other issue as well.


Netanyahu tells Biden he's worried about possible ICC arrest warrants

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked President Biden Sunday to help prevent the International Criminal Court from issuing arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials in connection with the war in Gaza, two Israeli officials told Axios.

Israeli officials have grown increasingly concerned over the last two weeks that the ICC is preparing to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Herzi Halevi.

The officials said Netanyahu expressed his concern to Biden in a phone call on Sunday, where the two leaders also discussed…  Read more

 @DrearyR3publicRepublican from California commented…1mo1MO

Have they issued warrants for Hamas leadership yet?

 @S0v3reignPatGreen from New York disagreed…1mo1MO

Why? Has Hamas been selling spyware to the Sinaloa drug cartels like Netanyahu and IDF are?

Or spying on Spain and Poland?

Or spying on behalf RNC?

 @JubilantNominationRepublican from Maryland commented…1mo1MO

What would be the point of the ICC if War Criminals can just ask to avoid arrest warrants.

 @E1ectionMuesliDemocrat from Texas agreed…1mo1MO


If a leader you supported was accused of war crimes, how would it change your perception of their leadership and decisions?


How important is it for global leaders to hold each other accountable for actions that might be considered war crimes?


Scotland’s leader quits over climate change

The promise of “net zero” carbon emissions claimed another political victim this week as Scotland’s administration teeters on the verge of collapse. Defying reality has consequences.

First Minister Humza Yousaf resigned after scrapping his Scottish National Party’s fraying coalition with the Scottish Greens amid a dispute over net-zero targets. Mr. Yousaf and his left-leaning party run a devolved government with the power to set many policies independent of the United Kingdom government in London. Now he’ll have to govern with a minority in the Scottish Parliament…  Read more

“Although I am sad that my time as first minister is ending, I am so grateful and blessed for having the opportunity so few are afforded — to lead my country, and who could ask for a better country to lead than Scotland,” a visibly emotional Yousaf said — before leaving the press conference podium without taking any questions.

 @PassionateP0llingPlaceLibertarian from California commented…1mo1MO

Reality always wins. No matter what Leftists wish. "This time it will be different!"

 @BillOfRightsBartForward from Oregon agreed…1mo1MO

Net Zero is a war against the West’s ability to defend global civil liberties.

De-industrializing the West with Net Zero will insure the globe suffers someday soon a Tsunami of Tyranny - all of it with no free speech and horrific, horrific global pollution. Net Zero is designed to destroy the bedrock foundation of freedom.

 @PassionateP0llingPlaceLibertarian from California agreed…1mo1MO

When future generations look back at our current obsession about the dangers of CO2, it'll be like we now view past generation's use of "BLOOD LETTING".

As in, "What were they thinking /smoking?!"

 @LocustMayaRepublicanfrom Washington commented…1mo1MO

Kind of ironic when one realizes that the air circulates around the planet and emissions produced in Scotland are like an ant on an elephant’s behind compared to the emissions produced elsewhere by the big emission producing countries. No amount of emission reduction by Scotland will make any difference other than put Scots out of work and make goods produced in Scotland more expensive.

 @LolliesBarryPeace and Freedomfrom North Dakota agreed…1mo1MO

The same is true for the larger US-any "gains" we might make are wiped out in 1 day by China and India coal plants. Also, CO2 isn't a pollutant....pretty important to have!


Is it justifiable for a politician to resign over disputes on environmental policies?

 @9LXYMHP from Texas answered…1mo1MO

It is not justifiable to resign a politician since they have environmental policies that are in danger and need to be cared for immediately.

 @9LXX6WPRepublican from Arkansas answered…1mo1MO

It is justifiable for any politician to resign if they feel that it is right.


How much should a country sacrifice to achieve 'net zero' carbon emissions?

 @9LXYMHP from Texas answered…1mo1MO

A country should sacrifice one of the important things to push the 'net zero' forward to achieve this goal with or without a leader.

 @9LXX4SD  from Ohio answered…1mo1MO

They should put in enough work to at least keep the negative effects of climate change as low as possible


RFK Jr. Campaign Attempts To Get On Ballot In 50 states

In order to get Mr. Kennedy on the ballot in all 50 states, as is his goal, his campaign has deployed a multipart strategy: aggressive legal action, shrewd political alliances and surprise filing tactics meant to slow or prevent challenges.

This month, Mr. Kennedy got on the ballot in Michigan, a key presidential battleground, by securing the nomination of a minor political party. He will soon officially be on the ballot in Hawaii, having overcome a challenge from the local Democratic Party. As of Sunday, the campaign says it has gathered enough signatures to submit petitions in six other stat…  Read more

 @TunaCamilaGreen from New York commented…1mo1MO

So the story is: 1) There are lot of requirements to get on ballots, 2) it's expensive to meet the requirements, and 3) RFK is spending a lot of money.

That's the story? Shouldn't the story be 1) There are a lot of requirements to get on ballots, and 2) Those requirements should be simplified to it's not as expensive

 @VultureJimLibertarian from Ohio agreed…1mo1MO

Seriously! The expenses to become president are overwhelming to the average citizen. That really limits the possibility to have quality candidates. It also is one more thing that leads our country towards plutocracy.

 @GarlicFrankDemocrat from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

His main expense is coming from paying for signatures rather than getting them via grassroots organizing, not because there are too many requirements. And no, that should not be simplified. We don't need 1000 kooks like Kennedy running for President.

Kennedy could have gone through a party primary, but he chose not to.

 @FierceTealLibertarian from Texas commented…1mo1MO

How about a story on ranked choice voting instead?

Everyone already knows that RFK Jr is propped up by the Koch Bros and other ultra-wealthy donors who practice the deeply cynical art of wedge issue politics.

 @M0derateAbaloneSocialistfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

I could not agree more. We need a system of voting that allows us to vote for the candidates we like without helping the candidates we don't like. RCV is better than traditional voting, but it still has problems. STAR voting fixes those problems.

 @T3rritorialOilWorking Family from Massachusetts commented…1mo1MO

As usual, the Democrats label anything and anyone they don’t like as a “conspiracy theorist,” whether or not the accusation has more than even a tenuous link to reality.

The smear job against RFK has gone way overboard, maybe I’ll vote for him.

 @YearlyWalrusPatriot from California commented…1mo1MO

I don’t support RFK but neither do I support a two party system that actively and aggressively keeps anyone outside the duopoly off the ballots. This is in no way democracy.


China's New Supersonic Drone Could Threaten U.S. Navy

A recent photo depicts a Xian H-6 medium bomber flying high over the ground – so high that, from the vantage point of the photographer, it’s little more than a winged blur. Equally blurry: whatever the bomber was carrying under its fuselage.

It might be a supersonic reconnaissance drone – one designed to hunt down US Navy aircraft carriers on the vast Pacific Ocean. Or it could be an even faster “hypersonic” vehicle. It’s hard to say from the single blurry image of the thing that has circulated on social media. All we can say for sure is that the Chinese…  Read more


If you had the power, would you support or oppose the use of highly advanced drones in warfare, and why?

 @9LXVXBT from Florida answered…1mo1MO

I think the unregulated use of drones in war is not something that’s good and should be regulated and discussed more heavily in trials, the power to kill with drones is insanely terrifying

 @9LY7RTTProgressive from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

The use of drones makes it easier to commit warfare since you aren't wasting lives to commit murder.

 @9LXVZGCfrom Maine answered…1mo1MO

I'm all for it, if they can use it against us than they will, so we should be prepared by having better tech.

 @9LXSGT4Independent from Texas answered…1mo1MO


Considering the rapid development of military technology, what is your stance on the future role of drones in ensuring national security?


How do you think the advancement of drones like China's affects the concept of 'peace' in a global context?