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15 Replies

 @9M26392Republican from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

i would ban abortion because its murder, only rape and risk of mother death would it be allowed.

 @9M2NRDL from Virginia disagreed…1mo1MO

Access to abortions helps many people who are not financially stable enough to raise a child and overall decreases poverty.

 @9M27VBJWomen’s Equality from Michigan disagreed…1mo1MO

Regardless of the situation if someone isn't ready for a kid they shouldn't have one. People complain about having too many kids in foster homes, so don't make people give birth just for a kid to be abandoned.

 @9M27QN5 from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

Even if you believe it's bad, people should still have the right to do whatever they want with their body. Also, all pregnancies have a risk of death, even when things go perfectly right.

 @9M27GWL from Virginia disagreed…1mo1MO

It isnt murder, uts just a clump of cells, a child isnt even self aware until 18 months at the least

 @9M276CV from New York answered…1mo1MO

I think to have rights and to make reasonable choices for your own benefits is obviously a better alternative than taking away peoples opportunities and basic human rights due to insufficient knowledge, money, materials, health and more being a conflict between them and the choice of having a child.

 @9M27PP3Republican from Florida disagreed…1mo1MO

Certainly, ensuring that individuals have the rights and resources to make informed choices about their lives, including the decision to have children, is essential for promoting autonomy and well-being. Denying people the opportunity to exercise their reproductive rights due to factors like lack of knowledge, financial means, access to healthcare, or other resources can result in profound injustices and limit individuals' ability to lead fulfilling lives.

 @9M25L3B from Georgia answered…1mo1MO

I feel like no person but the individual has the right to telll if they should keep or abort

 @9M29DS3 from Utah disagreed…1mo1MO

If you made the choice to get pregnant (not becareful) you made the choice to have a baby. This does not account for rape.

 @9M26F4M from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

I would say if the parents feel like they won't be able to take care of the child and they want to have an abortion than they should for the child safety.

 @9M29ZFFConstitution from Washington disagreed…1mo1MO

"For child safety" is the most ridiculously asinine response as a reason to justify killing the child. Only a living brain donor could call that logical.


I would say that abortion is illegal unless the mothers life is at risk or in a situation of rape or incest.

 @9M3RH4V from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

Women have control over their bodies. Their decision to have unprotected relations with another person is entirely their choice (except in rape and incest). If they didn't want to become pregnant, then they should not have sex, it's as simple as that. Becoming pregnant means the biological processes are working correctly. Babies are not an accident, all life is valuable inside and outside of the womb. The constitution protects the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of all individuals, and people are not allowed to violate another person's rights. The fetus has a right to life that outweighs the mother's pursuit of happiness (when the mother's life is in danger, then an emergency abortion may be necessary). I believe the use of contraception, but once there is life inside, that's when abortion should be illegal.


you could balance between the personal freedom to decide what is right and societal influence.

 @9M26PHB from Florida answered…1mo1MO

I would give them both an equal amount of attention and effort to see how it will all play out in the end.


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