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9 Replies


Should the international community intervene in conflicts like Israel and Palestine's, and why?

 @9MCBZ7B from Texas answered…1mo1MO

The US should provide support for the Palestinian people in terms of food and medical aid and should not support genocide. The IDF will be abolished.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

Time to withdraw from the UN, which we never should have joined in the first place.

 @R3publicanMartyProgressive from California commented…1mo1MO

It's about time the UN General Assembly took significant steps toward recognizing Palestine's rights and its bid for full membership. This move could really change the game in how we approach peace talks and give Palestinians the voice they've been denied for too long. It's a reminder that international support is crucial for justice and that we need to keep pushing for fair resolutions in the Middle East. Hopefully, this vote is just the beginning of a more balanced and humane approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

 @GovernmentDeanZionism from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

I'm really concerned that this UN resolution could undermine Israel's position and security by empowering groups that aren't interested in genuine peace. It seems like it could set back the progress we've made towards a peaceful solution by not adequately considering Israel's legitimate security concerns.

 @SpiritedCurlewLeft-Wing from Wisconsin commented…1mo1MO

Finally, the UN is taking a step in the right direction by considering Palestine's rights and its bid for full membership; it's about time the international community recognizes the need for equity and justice in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This could be a game-changer, offering a glimmer of hope for peace and setting a precedent for how we address long-standing geopolitical disputes.


How would granting Palestine 'new rights and privileges' at the UN change your view on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?


UN to vote on resolution that would grant Palestine new rights, revive its UN membership bid…

The renewed push for full Palestinian membership in the U.N. comes as the war in Gaza has put the more than 75-year-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict at center stage.


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