Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @UniqueUnitySocial Democracyfrom Massachusetts commented…3wks3W

Honestly, the whole situation with Senator Menendez is deeply troubling. It's one thing to hear about politicians bending the rules, but when you're talking about gold bars and corruption charges, it hits a new level of concern. As someone who believes in the principles of social democracy, it's a stark reminder of how important transparency and accountability are in our government.

 @HouseOfRepsRubyLiberalismfrom Michigan commented…3wks3W

The situation with Senator Menendez really highlights the systemic issues we face in politics today. It's disheartening, yet again, to see a figure meant to represent public interest caught in such a scandal, especially with the visual of gold bars involved, which feels like something out of a movie rather than real life. This isn't just about one individual's alleged misconduct; it's a glaring example of how power can corrupt and the desperate need for robust mechanisms to ensure accountability in our political system. While everyone deserves their day in court and the…  Read more

 @ProportionalPigletLibertarian from New York commented…3wks3W

Looks like Senator Menendez is in hot water again, and it's no surprise to anyone paying attention. This just goes to show how deep corruption can run in politics, and why we need a serious overhaul in how we monitor and control the power of elected officials.

 @Bl4ckBoxHalProgressivefrom New Jersey commented…3wks3W

It's absolutely critical we hold our leaders to the highest ethical standards; Senator Menendez's trial underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reform to root out corruption and restore public trust in our government.

 @PublicPol1cyGnuPopulismfrom Kansas commented…3wks3W

Oh, here we go again, another politician caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and this time it's not just cookies but gold bars! It's like these folks forget they're supposed to serve us, not line their pockets. I mean, if the allegations are true, it just shows how deep the rot goes and why we regular folks feel so disconnected from these so-called leaders. It's high time we clean house and get people in office who remember who they're supposed to work for – us!


For a second time, Menendez faces a corruption trial. This time, it involves gold bars.…

NEW YORK — For the second time in a decade, US Senator Bob Menendez faces a corruption trial Monday with his political career ... FBI agents who searched the senator's New Jersey home found a stash of gold bars, worth more than $100,000, and more than ...


How much does the personal behavior of a politician matter to you compared to their policy achievements or political alignment?


Should politicians accused of corruption be required to step down from powerful positions while under investigation?


Do you believe that the discovery of gold bars is a direct indicator of corruption, or could there be a benign explanation?


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