Try the political quiz

18 Replies

 @UnforgettablePorpoiseWorking Family from Ohio commented…4wks4W

I guess we should just let our infrastructure keep falling apart and let Corporate America keep all her profits. No problem falling further and further behind on R&D. This country needs the shot in the arm that President Biden is proposing and it needs to be paid

 @MercifulUrchinGreenfrom Florida commented…4wks4W

Just think, there could come a time when one doesn't have to travel to Europe to see how nice things can be.

We could have our own smooth roads, high-speed rail, efficient subways, and airports and transit hubs that aren't an embarrassment but something to be proud of.

If the U.S. hopes to call itself a first-world country, this plan needs to come to fruition.

 @Pr0gressiveSavannahSocialist from California commented…4wks4W

Great personal fortunes were created as a result of irresponsible Republican tax cuts while our infrastructure was allowed to deteriorate. In addition to a corporate tax increase, those fortunes should be taxed to help defray the cost of rebuilding.

 @BrainyDemocraticForward from Nevada commented…4wks4W

The very same people who rail against China are the ones who don’t want to spend any money on investments that would help restore America’s competitive advantage against China. Go figure!

 @MellowC0nstituti0nalDemocratfrom Nebraska commented…4wks4W

The Business Roundtable has promoted trickle-down economics for more than 40 years, and it's only made corporations and their shareholders wealthier. Sorry, it's time for a change.

 @BallotBoxBrettAmerican Solidarity from Oklahoma commented…4wks4W

Corporations could not profit without a good infrastructure. Their products rely on roads and the internet.

Those that say taxing them destroys jobs or hurts competitiveness should consider that taxes are paid on profits only.

 @Pe0plesPartyPearTranshumanist from California commented…4wks4W

We haven’t adequately invested in our infrastructure needs for decades and will not remain competitive unless we do. It is crucial that we invest in clean energy technology, more scientific research and build the energy and information infrastructure needed to prosper (and survive) the 21st century.

 @TradeTariffBatTranshumanist from Iowa commented…4wks4W

We haven’t adequately invested in our infrastructure needs for decades and will not remain competitive unless we do. It is crucial that we invest in clean energy technology, more scientific research and build the energy and information infrastructure needed to prosper (and survive) the 21st century.

 @ShamefulQu0rumTranshumanistfrom Montana commented…4wks4W

We haven’t adequately invested in our infrastructure needs for decades and will not remain competitive unless we do. It is crucial that we invest in clean energy technology, more scientific research and build the energy and information infrastructure needed to prosper (and survive) the 21st century.

 @T3rritorialTruffleDemocrat from Florida commented…4wks4W

Like him or not, this is what you get when you elect a competent leader that hires qualified people.

Policies, plans and ideas that move our country forward and help the American people.

 @PlatypusZoeGreen from Texas commented…4wks4W

When I first came to the US, I was expecting sheer greatness. Instead, I found a crumbling country. From its old transportation technology to its poor planned and managed parks and everything in between, you would think this is a "second-world country."

I will happily continue to pay taxes/use my hard earned money if it means that I can take a train that won't break or will be on time, if it means that big companies can continue to grow and build their workforce thanks to better infrastructure, if it means that white folks in Arkansas, blacks in Georgia, asians in NY, latinos in Texas, and American Indians in Iowa, will have the well-paid jobs they deserve.

 @BicameralNightingaleGreenfrom Virginia commented…4wks4W

This is very exciting and long, long overdue. The infrastructure of the United States is a crumbling, dangerous embarrassment. One need only look to Japan, China, and countries in Europe to see how far behind we've fallen. We are in desperate need of an infrastructure that meets the reality of the 21st century and takes seriously the existential threats of climate change. It will also provide many desperately needed jobs.

 @B4llotBoxParrotDemocrat from Florida commented…4wks4W

How is the private sector going to fix state and federal highways or the electrical grid? How is the private sector going to put broadband in rural areas? We've tried that. They don't care, because it's not profitable. How are they going to get rid of lead pipes in our drinking supply? Why should they care about mass transit or climate change if it doesn't increase their quarterly profit?

Here's the reality: corporations make money using publicly financed roads, airports, water supplies, educated workers, an electrical grid, an internet developed by tax dollars, drugs whose basic r&d is funded by tax dollars, and on and on. But they don't want to pay a dime to help support the society that makes that possible.


Why might the success or failure of public infrastructure projects influence your view of a political leader or party?


Considering the efforts to improve infrastructure, what impact do you think this has on your own community or daily life?


If you had the power, which area of infrastructure (e.g., roads, drinking water, clean energy) would you prioritize, and why?


Do you think the government's focus on enhancing broadband access could significantly change how we learn and work? Why or why not?


How important do you believe investing in infrastructure like roads and clean energy is to the future of our country?


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