Try the political quiz

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Xi rolls out red carpet for Putin at ‘Axis of Evil’ summit after Chinese tyrant touted power of ‘limitless partnership’…

XI Jinping praised his “everlasting friendship” with Vladimir Putin as he rolled out the red carpet in China for the tyrant. The Russian president has jetted to Beijing for a two-day


‘We’re PEACEMAKERS’, deranged Putin & Xi say despite Ukraine slaughter & Taiwan crisis as despots hold ‘Evil Axis’ talks…

DELUDED Vladimir Putin crowed about his supposed wish ... During talks today, Xi said China and Russia had agreed on a "political solution" to the war in Ukraine. But despite both leaders insisting the were seeking an end to the war, neither offered ...


Xi and Putin push for 'political solution' to Ukraine war

Putin and Xi have finished their news conference without taking questions from the media. We'll be wrapping up some of the key lines here, so stay with us. President Putin confirms he discussed the war in Ukraine with the Chinese president. "There is no space for closed alliances in Asia," he says.


What impact do you think powerful countries' stances on war have on global peace, and does their support or opposition to conflicts align with your view of justice?


Is it possible for a nation to truly advocate for peace while simultaneously engaging in conflict, and what does that say about their motives?


How would you feel if your country sided with leaders advocating for peace in a conflict, despite their controversial actions elsewhere?