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 @9MG4J6T contestada…2 semanas2W

Sí, a menos que cometan delitos o tengan antecedentes penales, independientemente de la nacionalidad

 @9K9G32D de Colorado contestada…3mos3MO

la enmienda 14 es mas que clara Toda persona nacida o naturalizada en los Estados Unidos, y sujeta a su jurisdicción, es ciudadana de los Estados Unidos y del Estado en que resida".

 @8ZNB94Bde Florida contestada…2 años2Y

 @8QVPXYN de Pennsylvania contestada…3 años3Y

 @NB659X de Ohio contestada…4 años4Y

If they are born here they are citizens, however their parents may be deported as they have committed a crime entering the country illegally. They may apply for citizenship once they have returned to their native country. The child may stay or go and retain citizenship.

 @N9ZSVC de California contestada…4 años4Y

When you cross into our border you are illegal and all your children born here are illegal like YOU! they should not be citizens. congress needs to change the law and do it NOW and date in back years!

 @MRYML8 de Kansas contestada…4 años4Y

They should be deported and children born here should not be legal citizens. Boarder protection must increase and shot on the spot if caught.

 @LX72TP de Massachusetts contestada…4 años4Y

Yes, children born within the borders of the U.S. must be citizens under the text of the Constitution.

 @LX2MKJ de Delaware contestada…4 años4Y

 @LWVDHL de New Jersey contestada…4 años4Y

Only if they have lived in the US their entire lives and have not lived in the parent's home land.

 @LWRDMD de Florida contestada…4 años4Y

Depends on what they are doing with their life. Productive citizens yes, criminal no.

 @LMDSCQ de Pennsylvania contestada…4 años4Y

No, they need to come to America on a certified passport/green card and be able to speak English.

 @GPYGV8 de Ohio contestada…4 años4Y

There should be a pathway to citizenship for all, especially if brought here against their will

 @GKLJRL de Colorado contestada…4 años4Y

The children of course, it is not their fault they are here. Anyone else should have to undergo a procedure to become a citizen but that doesn't mean deny them access. Last I remember, America is a country built by immigrants, we should not view them with hostility just because they didn't migrate here when our ancestors did.

 @358M2G de Texas contestada…4 años4Y

 @69YHS de North Carolina contestada…4 años4Y

They should be treated as refugees seeking political asylum and be monitored for criminal activity while giving them opportunity to work in the US


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