Try the political quiz

26 Replies

 @9FVVJJM from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Soldiers fight everyday and night to keep our country safe and I believe thats what represented in our flag, burning our flag is disrespecting the United States.

 @9FWKGFXfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

flag burning is a fundamental form of free speech and banning it is the first step on a path that leads to an inability to criticise the government

 @9FWBVHM from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

The true symbol of peace and protection in this country is the fact it's still running. Our flag is just a symbol to delineate us from other countries.

 @9FWD2QWIndependent from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Soldiers fight for freedom. Unfortunately, freedom is uniform. Freedom means the right to do things without fear of persecution. These soldiers are on the battlefield to fight for our right to fly the flag and burn the flag, salute during the anthem and kneel during the anthem, say under god or not, swear into public office on a Bible or Quran or anything else at all, and exercise self expression. That is what it means to be a freedom fighter of these United States.

 @2GP65KJSocialistfrom New York disagreed…8mos8MO

That is not what is being represented in the flag, and in fact the ability to legally burn flags is something those soldiers have fought for and are fighting for; the concept of free speech and activism

 @9G3CYS9Republican from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

Freedom is still being fought for to this day. The stars on the flag represent each state that the USA has managed to acquire through hard negotiations and fights. This flag represents America proudly each and every day.


Freedom of speech is an important tenet of Liberal Democracy, and thus an important part of modern, first-world society. If we begin to police what opinions are allowed, to disallow the expression of individual morality, we lose the ability to debate ideas to change the general consensus around our societal morality. Additionally, whatever is banned is subject to the authority of the party and the time period in charge of the legislation. This can lead to outdated social views being enforced at later times, and thus unnecessarily restricting freedoms. Freedom, where it doesn't harm anyone else or violate anyone else's freedom, is a good thing, and freedom of speech is an important freedom. Burning flags is a form of freedom of speech and thus should be allowed.

 @9FNKH37 from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

other countries went through hundreds of years of suffering to get where they are now, and burning their flag just shows a sign as disrespect


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