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Donald Trump

donald trump should be president

 @8LTVTP6 from Florida commented…4yrs4Y

What if someone is raped, or has a bad medical condition. The baby doesn’t care anyway, since they can’t think.

 @8N4ZZ74 from California commented…4yrs4Y

 @8NBZ96QGreen from California commented…4yrs4Y

abortion should be allowed in all situations, it's cruel to force a teenage girl or younger to carry a baby for nine months (or more) and force her to take a maternity leave in fricking high school and missing out on important experiences that may shape her life. i understand that she can give the baby up for adoption after carrying to term but putting a young women through the emotional and no to mention expensive and painful birth just to give something she has created away when it can be gone in a moment depending on how far along she is. i understand that it may be against some people's religious or personal beliefs but if the usa was pro choice you get your choice and i don't think a random women's choice to abort her baby that was unexpected will impact your life at all

 @8RSMKN9Republican from North Carolina commented…3yrs3Y

The poor teenage girl you make out would have had to spread her legs to get pregnant in the first place, her fault so she should carry the baby.