Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9FGZNJW from Massachusetts commented…9mos9MO

As a first line of defense, sure, but there are going to be kids who fall through the cracks and kids who attempt to carry this out regardless. For those instances, harden the schools, but so so in a responsible way. Can we please stop strawmanning positions here. No one is saying that every single teacher should have a gun and have it lying around in plain view on their desk. Lock it up so the teacher could access it only if needed and the teacher should have training and/or a law-enforcement/military background. If there are no teachers able or willing in the school to have this responsibil…  Read more

  @lemans3427Republican from California disagreed…1yr1Y


Interesting point of view. I would like to investigate this further. Can you provide an example of a program that provides better access to mental health help to children and adolescents that has been successful in reducing gun violence in schools? It is important to understand the effectiveness of these programs before deciding they are the only solution. I agree with you that guns are not toys and should be locked up in inaccessible places, but this alone may not prevent gun violence in schools. What are your thoughts on this?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

Yes, but also what about the adults who commit mass shootings? Shouldn't we also utilize stricter gun control for adults as well, on top of the better access to mental healthcare..?

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