Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @PublicPolicyEggs from Illinois commented…11mos11MO

It is quite interesting how the view of the elite ruling class seems to be that if you have a dissenting opinion away from theirs, you are either a mindless victim of “disinformation” or secretly working for the Kremlin.

 @ApplesWillowRepublicanfrom South Dakota commented…11mos11MO

If journalists actually did their job they would not need government direction or intervention

 @GratefulOatmealfrom Oregon commented…11mos11MO

Disinformation research is largely a fake partisan project draped in an academic veneer. Look at any major university center studying the topic and pick apart their studies. They essentially claim anyone who opposes their political agenda is doing "disinfo."

 @SadRepublicfrom Virgin Islands commented…11mos11MO

The Disinformation Industrial Complex sure built up quickly, didn't it?

 @PartisanPolarAbigailDemocrat from Pennsylvania commented…11mos11MO


The first expert quoted runs the UNC think tank that helped produce a report claiming Asian American opposition to affirmative action is a form of "disinfo

 @PuzzledVetoDemocrat from Texas agreed…11mos11MO

Government uses "disinformation" to break the law. The public needs their own misinformation czar to monitor government and the media.

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