Try the political quiz

234 Replies


How do you define 'freedom of speech' in a diverse society with varying sensibilities?

 @9KCWZ2D from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

The right to free speech to a certain extent, like time, place, and manner. Or dangerous speech.

 @9KL9T6P from Utah disagreed…3mos3MO

Feedom of speech without restraint except treats or deformation. No consideration should be taken legally for simply being offended. Offense is a receivers choice not the speaker

 @9KD27KG from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KCXVK3 from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

The right of a person to speak their opinions and ideas freely without consequences from the government.


How do you feel when your personal values align with one political party on some issues, but another party on different issues?

 @9KWWYC5Write-In from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

It can feel conflicted or uncertain when my personal values align with different political parties on various issues.

 @9KWWTYH from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

It just happens. Just need to know what issues you don't agree with more.

 @9KWWQX3 from California answered…3mos3MO

I evaluate my priorities and which issues I value most, and then vote according to that.


What's an example where a blend of conservative and liberal approaches solved a complex problem?

 @9J2D4WX from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO


In what areas do you think conservative views should be challenged to promote equality and fairness?

 @9HDVMR9Democrat from Utah answered…6mos6MO

They should be more open minded to how people live and what they’ve gone through, especially when it comes to healthcare and immigration.


In areas where they control our whole lives. If it affects everyone it should be fair.



In what way has a change in your local community positively affected your life, even if it initially seemed unwelcome?

 @9J2FSR2Women’s Equality from Texas answered…5mos5MO

they are the only group on the political right in which majorities favor legal abortion and say marijuana should be legal for recreational and medical use.

 @9J2BSR6 from Arkansas answered…5mos5MO


Where do you draw the line between moral principles and practical policies in governance?

 @9HNMPDP from Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

The line draws very thin There are a lot of aspects in situations where it is best for overall people but it’s not morally right. A lot of what America or in the United States does to get things done fast and efficient manner is always an often not good for the overall people. The government policies should adhere to moral standards to an extent. An extent for human rights and not religious aspects. Individual beliefs should not counter over overall morals. Rights and equality should be implemented and policies. but the individual beliefs shouldn’t impact the overall impact of these individuals

 @9HNMJ86 from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

The line draws very thin There are a lot of aspects in situations where it is best for overall people but it’s not morally right. A lot of what America or in the United States does to get things done fast and efficient manner is always an often not good for the overall people. The government policies should adhere to moral standards to an extent. An extent for human rights and not religious aspects. Individual beliefs should not counter over overall morals. Rights and equality should be implemented and policies. but the individual beliefs shouldn’t impact the overall impact of these individuals. Such as for example abortion all the Benefits would outweigh the moral aspect due to various situations. Because morality should impact policy in human rights and equality but not in sacrifice of them.


What issue do you believe needs reform, yet still respect traditional viewpoints?

 @9HHTTBW from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

one issue that needs to be reformed is defending yourself in a school setting.

 @9HHV88FSocialist from New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

They should try to get the older generation to see what the modern day problem is by more progressive ideas than regressive policies.


In what ways do you think progress can harmonize with tradition?

 @9HJKB9Y from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

It could help having a mindset of both party’s in one so that it may not be so restricted to one political view.

 @9HJK82Y from New Hampshire answered…6mos6MO


What approach would you take to address technological advancements that conflict with your personal values?

 @9J2BQ8L from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

I don't like that people are making robots to look like people. I don't like that people are making camera glasses.


What does 'moderate' mean to you in the context of political beliefs?

 @9H4L3YH from Oklahoma answered…7mos7MO

For me, I understand moderate to mean a middle-ground mentality when tackling the political issues of today. Just like in today's topic on the "Ambivalent Right," some views align more conservatively while others more liberally, focusing on the nuance of the situation instead of holding fast to either side of the issue.

 @9H4KTY2Transhumanist from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Moderate to me tends to mean relatively left social beliefs and right leaning economic beliefs, except in the case of LGBT issues and BIPOC issues


How does your cultural heritage shape your views on contemporary political issues?

 @9KN4JK6 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

we need to stop letting racist and sexist people run for office because their actions will be based on their own narrative

 @9KN4FJC from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO


What's a social cause you feel passionately about, and how do you advocate for it without alienating friends with different views?

 @9J2CKHF from California answered…5mos5MO

A more current social cause I feel passionately about is the war occurring in Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people. My strategy to have conversations regarding this topic with those I know don't feel as passionately about it as I do, or may be ignorant of the situation's true gravity, is to approach the topic with the proper sensitivity it deserves and avoid any accusatory statements towards the other person. I find that if you share credible resources and facts about a topic and avoid being overly confrontational or aggressive, people are more willing to listen. approaching any sensitive topic that I feel strongly about with an attitude of education and collaboration rather than preparing for an argument tends to result in a more positive, neutral end goal.


In what situations have you found that adapting old ways to new challenges leads to better outcomes?

 @9LGSMQFPeace and Freedom from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

By using information I have learned in the past to apply knowledge to new challenged I may face.

 @9LGSFXQPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…2mos2MO

The wisdom and experience from the past can give good ideas for leading teams.


When forming an opinion, how do you weigh your individual freedoms against societal norms?

 @9LCGPXFIndependent from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

I feel my freedoms are a little more reserved than most, as others have the ability to go out when they want, or have more money, but I honestly prefer it that way, since I know I will most likely be more prepared for the world.

 @9LBW3HD from Missouri answered…2mos2MO


What changes would you make to a long-standing tradition in your community to adapt to new societal needs?

 @9J2CBVQ from Florida answered…5mos5MO


Which event in recent history has changed one of your long-held beliefs, and why?

 @9KZ3Y85 from California answered…3mos3MO

the rally on the capital. That showed how much someone can put together this group and how when that one person says something, the rest follow like ants and completely what that one person said to do

 @9KYC4ZG from Iowa answered…3mos3MO

Insurrection on the capital. It is wrong to turn on your country because your mad about others being able to live the life that was promised through the constitution and in response you want to “show them” whose in control


How do you meld the pursuit of technological advancement with the imperative to safeguard ethical standards?


Which personal experiences have shaped your views on the balance between governmental power and individual liberties?


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