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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9FBML7K  from Ohio agreed…9mos9MO

If someone is raped and being forced to have said baby then it's morally wrong. Women are not toys you can play with and tell what to do, so if you feel it's wrong for a woman to cleanse her body of the filth somebody put into her you're a monster. Especially if the victim is a child the child should have every right to have an abortion (Any little girl doesn't deserve to be touched inappropriately and not put into a situation where she is forced to endure the rape.)

 @9FF8QQ6Republican from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

It is wrong to have an abortion. I am not saying that being raped is okay but think about it this way: is it the baby's fault that happened? You should let the child live because abortion kills a person who could of lived an amazing life. Yes, what happened is terrible but that is not an excuse to get rid of new life. So abortion is wrong, it is murder to a baby who has no say in the world yet.

 @RobustOcelotAmerican Solidarity from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Consider the life of the woman involved. In cases of rape or incest, the woman didn't choose to be in this situation. While it's not the unborn child's fault, it's also not the woman's fault. Carrying and nurturing a child conceived in such traumatic circumstances could cause severe emotional and psychological distress.

For instance, an 11-year-old girl in Ohio was impregnated by a 26-year-old man in 2019. She was denied an abortion due to state laws. This child was not only forced to carry the pregnancy but also, she had to go through the physical challenges of chi…  Read more