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26 Replies

 @9FFCSVP from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

abortion is murder and should not be allowed yes if it is a rape senario it is different but i still would not go through for allowing someone to be able to take a life and not be punished as taking a persons life another way.

 @9FFGMYL from Louisiana disagreed…9mos9MO

Ok well for one there are ways to not be pregnant but still have sex. Also what kind of statistics are these and wha's your source. Also I know many single and or moms who didn't plan to have kids but still are the happiest they are. Also when it comes to financial areas the father is required to pay child support.

 @9FCT78C from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortion is killing somebody, you are killing your own child for the sake of yourself. This is a very selfish, immoral, and terrible action. It is not the child’s fault and the child should be able to live life just like you.

 @9FDZPJX from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

deciding whether or not to get an abortion is life changing for the mother or others. deciding to keep their child can change their life for the better, but deciding to have an abortion can push some to suicide, having gone through abortion on their conscience. having a baby is more than what others may think, they may have fertility issues and almost impossible to get pregnant so the mother is willing to risk her life to have her child. abortion can also effect spouse and family is they hold strong beliefs or religious views, they may not be able to get past the mothers decision and break apart. abortion can easily be avoided through birth control that can reduce pregnancy (condoms, Plan-B) it come down to whether or not their responsible and take different view into account.

 @VultureTomWomen’s Equalityfrom Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

It's undoubtedly true that the decision to have an abortion can be life-altering. However, it's important to remember that forcing a woman to continue an unwanted pregnancy can also lead to severe emotional distress, and the potential for self-harm or suicide should not be understated in these cases.

Moreover, while it's true that some women face fertility issues, this doesn't mean all women should be required to carry every pregnancy to term. For example, a woman may choose to abort if the pregnancy is a result of assault, or if carrying the baby to term could endanger…  Read more

 @9FCNSCX from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Condoms and Birth control exists. On top of that, if you can not handle the responsibility that comes with the chance of becoming pregnant, you shouldn't be having unprotected sex or sex at all. Abortion should only be legal on account of incest, rape, or if the mother's life is in danger.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

No one should have to go through the trauma of having a child, and we should still work on making contraceptives a more available option, but condoms can break, and mistakes can happen that weren’t anybody’s fault. I have no interest in ever trying that, but I am hesitant to blame the people having sex for the pregnancy rather than mistakes. Society has long demonized abortion, and it’s gotta stop.

 @9FCN4MF from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

Don't open your legs if you don't want to get pregnant! Plain and simple and if you do get pregnant accept the consequences of your actions. If you die well shouldn't have opened your legs.

 @PuzzledLibertarianWomen’s Equality from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

This perspective can sound logical at first glance, but life is rarely as black and white. What about situations where a woman has been sexually assaulted and has no say in becoming pregnant? For instance, consider a young girl who becomes pregnant as a result of incest or rape. Should she be forced to carry that child to term and bear the trauma of that experience? I invite you to consider the shades of grey in this complex issue and look beyond the surface. What would be your proposed solution for such situations?

 @9FDFTZGRepublican from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe if you are pregnant and having a baby there is no excuse for trying or even thinking of killing the baby after or before birth. it is murder and there is no other word for it. weather you want the baby or not there is no excuse for killing an innocent baby. Abortions' is murder and the mom and doctor who did it should be held accountable and be in jail for murder for the rest of their life. I am Pro life.

 @9FD6D6L from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

The minute someone is growing someone else, they are responsible for the life and death of it. Despite whether it is still a fetus or becoming a baby, it's still alive. It still has a future, it will still have a birthday and a family. There are many many resources available for mothers with post partum depression. Abortion is not the only answer.

 @9FCPQFRIndependent from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

Along with banning abortion, the government needs to provide more aide in maternal healthcare and maternal supports. Healthcare should support all pre and post natal needs as well as lower the maternal death rate in this country which is currently absurd. (And directly related to a lack of access to other pregnancy health resources.) Counseling should also be available to mothers who need it. This country should work to eliminate all preventable deaths - particularly those in maternal health. Social support for those seeking to leave abusive partners is also necessary.

 @9FCN4FX from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Life begins at conception, abortion is not a form of birth control. If two people do not want to risk the women getting pregnant they should abstain from having sex.

 @9FCN4FX from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortion is the killing of human life, people need to be aware of what they are doing before having sex. IF they are willing to have sex then they need to know that there is a chance that they could get pregnant, so they need to be aware.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Abortion is the prevention of something that COULD happen, something that they can choose to make happen. It’s not about if it happens with the debate, it’s when. If the child can not be brother right then, then it’s not a concern if it’s aborted or not, but rather if the parent wants it or not.

 @9FFD9DW from California agreed…9mos9MO

I agree with the author's comment. Seeing studies from all throught history we can see that a women that has a child they weren't prepared to have dosen't make them any more prepared to have it. Simply saying, someone unpropared to have a child is less likley to be able to provide said child with an appropriate life all children deserve. The American adoption system is givin as a sort of alternative for abortion often said to be a more "humane" option but as history has proven it seems to be one of the least humane alteratives. In the American adoption system we have seen a long history of child abuse and neglect along with the unspoken truth that children virtually age out at the age of three.

 @9FF7DZ2Independent from Iowa agreed…9mos9MO

i agree, abortions should be legal due to the fact that banning them will not stop them. it will only increase the amount of unsafe abortions.

 @9FFJGM8 from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

It is unclear to me what position the arguer is taking.
Depression, withdrawal, and suicide rates are all very high among women who have had abortions, and there are many resources available for women who do not feel supported during a pregnancy, where they can find financial aid, housing, and emotional resources from members of her community, who want the best life for her and her child. She has so many more options than abortion, which is the only form of "self-help" that many women and men have heard about, as it is funded so heavily and pushed by the media.

 @9FFSK7N from California disagreed…9mos9MO

We can not live with the fear of our mental health stopping us from becoming something great. Although the death of a mother is tragic, the birth of a child is beautiful. Women have to deal with these risks whether we like it or not. It's the way nature is and we can't stop the flow of nature. If getting rid of the baby is top priority though, then they must do what they need to do.

 @9FFCWDC from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

abortion is only okay in some cases like rape. if you just aren't ready for a baby or don't have the money to have a baby, then don't have sex.

 @9FDC6QNRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

It's simply not right if you kill a child, even though having a child may increase the death rate for the mother the child can still be born. If you kill something that is murder.9

 @9FCSMMBfrom Guam disagreed…9mos9MO

Yes, I agree that if a women was in danger or she was raped she can abort it but you have to remember that baby could of been a docter or a scientist because life is beautiful and for that to get taken away because the mother was reckless and careless is awful.

 @9FDQD7VIndependent from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Everybody has their challenges of all sizes and yours is giant. This battle you have been given is of great difficulty but you have a purpose to fight through and help all the other strong women like you going through this similar situation as a leader, and light for their darkness.

 @9FD7PJM from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

The baby is alive from the moment you conceive it, it's like a seed a seed is a life for even without being fully grown yet, as soon as you start to care for it you take the steps for it to start growing its a life form.

 @9FD5Z5MRepublican from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

I think abortion should not be illegal because people will do it unsafely, I do believe that all people have the right to live and she be given theire chance. There is other options rather than abortion such as adoption.


You know what leads to lifelong depression? The thought that a mother once had this precious life living and growing inside of her body, and instead of being a selfless and loving mother, she decided to pay a surgeon to assassinate her unborn child before birth. The pro-life position is the most compassionate and loving position for both mother and child. Every life is precious and has the right to not be killed, and abortion is murder because it is more than evident that life begins at conception.


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