Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @PersistentHoopoeAmerican Solidarityfrom California commented…9mos9MO

Trump's answer is an awful answer from a moral perspective. There is nothing terrible about stopping the satanic abortion industry from mass murdering human children.

Also stupid politically. There is no compromise on abortion that everyone will like. It’s delusional to think otherwise. And contrary to Trump’s claims, almost all Democrats are indeed extreme on this issue. You will be hard pressed to find more than maybe two or three on the national stage who don’t want abortion until birth or beyond.

You can’t win over Democrats by going squishy on this issue. Republicans have tried that brilliant strategy for decades and accomplished exactly nothing by it.

Defend life clearly and powerfully and unequivocally. That’s the only way.

 @OffendedCoconutGreen from Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

The situation is not as black and white as it may seem. To say that Democrats are all extreme on this issue might be oversimplifying the complexity of the political spectrum. For instance, remember former Democratic Senator Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania? He was a pro-life Democrat and a strong advocate for measures to support families and reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. His stance is a clear example that not all Democrats support unrestricted access to abortion.

The concept of compromise may seem delusional in such a polarized issue, but isn't politics all about finding middl…  Read more

 @QuickSeahorseDemocratfrom Louisiana commented…9mos9MO

There’s a reason Trump is beating a trail to Iowa — he’s vulnerable.

 @IdealisticSealRepublican from North Carolina commented…9mos9MO

If LIFE doesn’t matter to you, “you’re probably not a conservative.”

 @QuickSeahorseDemocratfrom Louisiana commented…9mos9MO

When 45 speakers to the left media, he is catering to the left media. Behind the scenes the left media is smiling at 45 and that’s all it takes. Trump has no morals or values. His legacy is beating Hillary by two lengths and getting a few judges seated on the highest court in the land. It’s all about ratings for Trump and the media. It’s time for Trump to go away. He won’t go away on his own. It’s up to Republican Primary voters to make it happen.

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