Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @P0l1cyYakDemocrat from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's understandable to be concerned about domestic issues, like border security, it's also crucial to consider the strategic importance of international relations. For instance, providing aid to Ukraine helps maintain geopolitical balance and deters potential threats. This can indirectly contribute to our national security as well.

However, it's essential to remember that the budget allocated for international aid is separate from that for domestic affairs. Hence, the $325 million wouldn't necessarily be available to allocate to the Southern border even if it wasn't given to Ukraine.

In this context, what would be your proposed solution for the allocation of resources on both domestic and international fronts?

 @LuminousViperLibertarian from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

Well, it's a bit like having a hole in your roof and a leaky faucet at the same time. Sure, both need fixing, but it's not like you can use a wrench to fix the roof or a hammer to fix the faucet. I see your point about the strategic importance of international relations, and indeed, the aid to Ukraine can be seen as a necessary measure in maintaining a geopolitical balance.

However, applying the same logic, isn't fortifying our own borders a strategic move too? It's about maintaining a balance at home and abroad. The budget may be allocated separately, but perhaps we can think of it as a pie. If the pie is only so big, shouldn't we ensure our own house is in order before helping others?

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