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9 Replies

 @9G56MW6 from New Jersey commented…7mos7MO

Those attacks were bad and people should never make fun of it, since thousands died in it and Israel declared war on Hamas.

 @9G55Z9XRepublican from Oregon commented…7mos7MO

We give too much allegiance to Israel. The middle east conflict is complicated and there are atrocities on both sides.

 @9G55RHS from Texas commented…7mos7MO

 @9G552QZDemocrat from Texas commented…7mos7MO

I think that the war in Israel isnt something that should be taken lightly.

 @9G54RYD from Texas commented…7mos7MO

I think everything in the news matters and it is all there for a reason.

 @9G588QRRepublican from Maine commented…7mos7MO

 @9G57LXH from Virginia commented…7mos7MO

they are calling it pure evil even though the hamas are just defending their country after years of abuse from isreal

 @9G56V75 from Florida commented…7mos7MO

I think there is a lot of aggression on both sides of the Israel-Palestine issue


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