Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @DemocraticGarlicLibertarian from New Mexico commented…7mos7MO

Nah. I feel for the Israeli people. What Hamas did is barbaric. I support Israel’s pursuit of justice.

But Israel has never directly or indirectly improved, supported or affected my life positively in any way. And that’s probably true for 99.9% of Americans.

Not our war.

 @InsecureDiplomatLibertarianfrom Maine commented…7mos7MO

Ben would be happy watching 1000 Americans die for one Israeli *** We are just expendable bodies for Zionism.

 @OtterBillRepublican from Texas commented…7mos7MO

You clearly didn't watch the video 2. I fought for my country 3. 22 Americans were killed 4. I lost friends in combat 5. You are an idiot.


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