Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @NiftyExecutiveOrderSocialist from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Robin Hood was redistributing wealth acquired by unfair means, such as overtaxation or corruption.

When we talk about the rich today, it's crucial to remember that not all wealthy individuals acquired their money unfairly. Many have contributed significantly to society through their businesses, innovations, or investments. Therefore, overtaxing them could potentially discourage such beneficial activities.

What if, instead of increasing taxes on the rich, we consider options to make higher education more affordable or even free, without burdening any specific group disproportionately?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

The acquisition of wealth via capitalist ownership is inherently exploitative and unethical. That's why the redistribution of wealth via taxation is actually the nicest way to go about doing that, by allowing them to steal the profits of workers' labor but then taxing them on that stolen wealth. If you were an actual socialist, then you would be advocating for the complete abolition of this capitalist practice in the first place, thus allowing all workers to receive the benefits of their own labor directly.

All education should absolutely be free and accessible to all people, but achieving that without also doing something about the rampant wealth inequality caused by capitalist ownership is unlikely and unsustainable. Not to mention that it's simply immoral to allow this to continue to begin with.

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