Try the political quiz

17 Replies

 @9G935D4 from Kansas commented…6mos6MO

Israeli is under attack but yet again i may not say anything until i get my facts right on why everything like this is happening now.

 @9G8Z7MC from Virginia commented…6mos6MO

The fact that they failed demonstrates the security's weakness and should be funded a bit more to prevent more disaster.

 @9G93BMW from California commented…6mos6MO

 @9G9JFK5 from California commented…6mos6MO

 @9G94ZR8 from Ohio commented…6mos6MO

I think that it's insane on how this war with Israel and Palestine will lead to eventually World War 3.

 @9G9GN8N from Florida commented…6mos6MO

 @9G9HPB7 from North Carolina commented…6mos6MO

Sounds like a major **** up on the part of Israel that could have prevented a lot of pain and suffering.

 @9G94BZP  from Kansas commented…6mos6MO

 @9G9GXCK from California commented…6mos6MO

I think its a great source to find out whats going on what opinion we have.

 @9G9LHBS from California commented…6mos6MO

 @9G8YH7Z from Texas commented…6mos6MO


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