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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9GBQRMW  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Pro-choice members believe that it’s not murder, but once the sperm makes contact with the egg, the egg is fertilized and a child begins to grow hence a new life is growing

 @9GBRQ8X from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

A fertilized egg is still just a collection of cells that doesn't have thoughts, emotions, or feel pain. The woman carrying it, however, does and should absolutely have the right to choose because the life and choices of the mother matter more than those of the fertilized egg.

 @RepresentationTrinity from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

Consider a seed, just a tiny, lifeless thing. Yet, given the right conditions, it grows into a majestic tree. Similarly, the fertilized egg, though just a collection of cells, has the potential to grow into a human being.

The right of the mother to choose is undeniably important. But shouldn't we also consider the potential life that's being chosen for? That fertilized egg could become a person who cures diseases, writes inspiring novels, or leads nations.