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Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?


 @9GBV3NNDemocrat from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

Everyone deserves to have the opportunity of getting an abortion, whether one believes that it is "murder" or not. It is a person's own body and no one should be allowed to tell them no when planning on getting an abortion.

 @9GC3HPY from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Although it is your body, that child inside of you has their own distinct body with their own genetically unique DNA and they deserve the right to life.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

But that's irrelevant, because no person has the right to use your body without your consent to begin with, so if you don't want this fetus to continue using your body, then you have every right to stop it from doing so, even if that means it dies. Your right to live does not entitle you to the use of another person's body.