Try the political quiz

20 Replies

 @9GG3855  from Idaho commented…6mos6MO

Israel has a right to defend itself. HAMAS had members cross into Israel, commit unspeakable atrocities against Israelis, Jews, Arabs, and foreigners. HAMAS should be punished and destroyed for the crimes they commited.

 @9GFTLWFPeace and Freedom from Michigan commented…6mos6MO

this is a sad situation for a lot of inocent people and children.

 @CockyEqualityfrom California commented…6mos6MO

"Who are we going to believe the hostages or Israel?" cause how the hell is Israel going to keep calling Hamas terrorist meanwhile the hostages are talking highly about them.

 @AmnestyStellaDemocrat from Arizona commented…6mos6MO

You will see later on who the real terrorists are, I am born Jewish and lived around them for years and also around Palestinian people. The Zionist always spread hate and always said they are better than everyone. It just seems that it's impossible for some people to believe that these people are freedom fighters and not terrorists.

 @9GFWKR4Democrat from Pennsylvania commented…6mos6MO

I think it is horrible what is going on in Gaza and that we should help them

 @9GFYHZRIndependent from Colorado commented…6mos6MO

I don’t have much information on Gaza so I picked which ever looked somewhat like a turning point.

 @9GG3Q53Women’s Equality from Indiana commented…6mos6MO

 @9GG53Q2 from North Dakota commented…6mos6MO

I think the U.S. always gets involved in things that don't need to be involved in. However, beginning the assult on Gaza would put many lives in danger and we should look at rescue options first.

 @9GFV3G7 from Alabama commented…6mos6MO

It`s very sad what`s happening in Israel right now and they need to fight back.

 @9GFVTSJ from Indiana commented…6mos6MO

I think that its all just so dumb and I just truly wish we could live a normal life without something every single day

 @9GFZ2SP from Maryland commented…6mos6MO

I feel like Israel should hold off a bit they are doing a bit much but then again Israel should defend itself especially after the terrorist attack on it by Hamas.

 @9GFW73P from Nebraska commented…6mos6MO

I think that what is happening in Israel is awful and i couldnt even imagine what they are going through.

 @9GFVT93 from Pennsylvania commented…6mos6MO


I feel that the US is on Israel sides for the sole fact that they have economic benefits to be on their side. When you look closer to the facts and the actions of the people/countries is easy to see that Palestine is the one whos being oppressed

 @9GG48FGSocialist from Kansas commented…6mos6MO

The US government does not care, and never has cared, about Palestinian life. This is made obvious by Biden's continual economic support of Israel as the country commits continuous war crimes and genocide. Hamas is not hiding in hospitals and the wreckage of what used to be people's homes, innocent men, women, and children are.

 @9GFTQ2SPeace and Freedom from Virginia commented…6mos6MO

 @9GG5Y85 from South Carolina commented…6mos6MO

I don't exactly know which side to support because both seem like criminals.


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