Try the political quiz

27 Replies

 @9GHKYDP from Iowa disagreed…6mos6MO

every race are equal no race is better or worse there is no need to make white kids thing they are inferior because they are white you can just flip the script of what happened 100+ years ago white privlage isnt a thing all races can be getto,gangsters,ect just be a normal human and dont be evil.

 @9GG8KR4Republican from Kansas disagreed…6mos6MO

children do not need to be told that one race is this bad one and the other ones are right and good all this creates is separation and leaves a bad mark on everyone having people grow up to resent one race

 @9GGWBL3 from Oregon disagreed…6mos6MO

The US was not built on racism. It was built by Coloints sure but that was over 200 years ago. We need to calm down and realize that not everything is racist. We shouldn't be raising children to either believe they are horrible because of their skin color or need extra help and assistance because of their skin color. It's wrong. Yes, I feel strongly about this.

 @9GG4CV8  from North Dakota disagreed…6mos6MO

The usa is not an oppressive state. It is like any other country in the world, it has made mistakes. Thankfully, we have been trying to correct these mistakes, however, throwing money at the issue does not fix it. The only way to fix these mistakes is smart legislation and time.

 @9GG7BV5 from California disagreed…6mos6MO

kids should not be taught that there race is being discriminated gain or that one thinks that they re better than the other

 @9GFZVR3Republican from Idaho disagreed…6mos6MO

We did learn from our mistakes. Racism now is just blown out of the water for personal gain. Racism is not nearly as bad as it use to be. of course there will always be racists and that wont ever change but a black man has all the same right and opportunities if a white man.

 @9GHL6FRIndependent from Minnesota disagreed…6mos6MO

If you teach children that the world is overwhelmingly racist they will grow up believing it and there will be no progression towards a true nonracist society


Critacl race theory is so important and needs to be well known, because my family has always taught me to be kind. And that the color of our skin is what makes us, us. Every person is different and unique and people should respect that. No matter the color of our skin. Now we need to learn from our mistakes in the past and do the right thing and just be kind.

 @BatEdAmerican from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Critical race theory may inadvertently reinforce racial divisions, instead of fostering unity and understanding. The intention may be to address past injustices, it may also perpetuate a narrative of victimhood and oppressor, which can be harmful to both parties. Instead, why don't we focus on teaching the history of all races and cultures and their contributions to humanity, fostering a sense of shared humanity and mutual respect?

 @9GG2TDX from Maryland disagreed…6mos6MO

This argument is composed of generalized sweeping statements and opinions, as well as a failure to identify any specific points or problems that need to be addressed in order to be corrected. This argument is an opinion, not a valid or useful stance on which any educational system can be built.

 @9GFXS8W from Texas commented…6mos6MO

yeah i know it’s opinion- but their are several facts out there , facts begin the lost lives of Hundreds of black people and how we still aren’t changing and we need to show kids how we can change and become better

 @SeahorseRodRepublican from Colorado disagreed…6mos6MO

CRT emphasizes systemic racism while neglecting the progress we've made as a society and the efforts of numerous individuals and groups working towards equality.

 @9GG26V6Republican  from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

What the **** is this **** . liberal on steroids lmao. "the US has always been inherently racist" is crazy hahaha. talk about brain-washed. when was the last time you actually saw racism no I'm not talking about it on the media, of course, mainstream media is going to be pushing that ideology. it's great for the economy. you may be thinking I'm dumb but let me continue, if we have a huge blm movement what's going to be sold on the market? blm merch DUH so if you can get that out there and then invest in these products you're gonna make a **** ton of mon…  Read more

 @9GFXS8W from Texas commented…6mos6MO

So basically what you’re saying is that just because we don’t see the racism it doesn’t exist? And it’s immature- yall only wanna focus on war when it concerns white people in power - but when black people get affected it’s oh get over and and lets just unite and heal the world. No it’s time people start understanding the Us is never gonna change their will always be someone like you who doesn’t believe it exist because it doesn’t happen to you . And as for the Israel issue - the Us is still supporting them and gives them the weapons to attack Palestine- they are dying over there and have nothing but it’s okay because they are trying to find “Hamas”

they are committing genocide. and Israel defenders need to realize that

 @ShamefulR3dStateRepublicanfrom Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

It's a deeply ingrained systemic issue, and its effects can be seen in aspects such as wealth disparities, education, and criminal justice system. However, the statement that the US will never change might be a bit fatalistic. W

The US indeed provides significant military aid to Israel, but it's a simplification to say that the US just gives them weapons to attack Palestine. US policy aims to maintain Israel's qualitative military edge in the region, which is a policy rooted in historical context.

 @9GG2K52 from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

I think that it is important to show how far we have come and that if we keep getting taught it could get way better.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2wks2W

Can you provide some historical examples you think prove the US are horrible?

 @9GFZLBK from New York agreed…6mos6MO

Yes this should be taught in schools but not to the point where we just deminish the United States. State our mistakes and show that we have learned from them

 @9GGN86QPeace and Freedom from Florida agreed…6mos6MO

Critical Race theory is important to teach children so they grow to accept all races and understand there was a time when inequality existed. It should be important to learn about this so we do not repeat history.

 @9GG8PGD from California agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with the quote as it is important for children especially children of color to recognize inherent racism built into the systems of the country

 @9GG57WR from California agreed…6mos6MO

That first sentence is hard to read. I do think that it is important to know this but I think it is something that should be taught around middle school and not elementary.

 @9GG32WQ from New York agreed…6mos6MO

I think teaching kids about race in school is important and can open kids minds up to other races because it's usually put in their head to mock other races when America itself is very diverse and people come here for better chances at a life.

 @9GFZZXFDemocrat from North Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

Kids should be allowed to know the things going on around them as well as how their actions affect people around them so I do agree.

 @9GH8F85 from Indiana disagreed…6mos6MO

I believe it is racist and irresponsible to teach children (white children) that they are automatically racist because they are white .

 @GnuZoeAmerican from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

Labeling the entire country as 'inherently racist' is insane. Critical Race Theory will unintentionally create further divisions among young minds who are still learning basic social interactions.

 @9GHQ7QFPeace and Freedom from Utah disagreed…6mos6MO

if we were to show children the old problems of the u.s. before they are ready, it would be inefficient to teach and have them learn that instead of acceptance

 @9GHW5J3 from Maryland disagreed…6mos6MO

My best counter argument is that kids shouldn't need to deal with that at such a young age. Besides that, if such student is in high school or even middle school, they should be allowed to learn as they deserve


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