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7 Replies

 @J0intResolutionPloverDemocratfrom Minnesota commented…8mos8MO

This is not good for EV adoption in general so this is not a good thing. The narrative is changing to be more pessimistic about EVs with more & more articles being published reinforcing this.

 @BallotBoxUnicornLibertarian from North Carolina commented…8mos8MO

This is not good for GM at all. Cutting EVs to sustain short term profitability by selling the products that will soon be extinct….. is a very bad business model

 @ObsessedAntelopeRepublican from Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

ICE vehicles are nowhere near extinction, and won’t be anytime soon. Major auto makers are starting to realize that, as EV inventory piles up. No one wants to wait in line for an open charger, then spend 30 more minutes charging.

 @BallotBoxUnicornLibertarian from North Carolina commented…8mos8MO

It’ll happen faster than even I think. Once a disturbing technology reaches 5% market share it gets close to 100% within 10 years. It’s just facts.

 @ObsessedAntelopeRepublican from Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

Vehicles with limited range for practical business applications (hauling, towing, etc) that take a long time to charge are not “disturbing.” The new tech must be superior to the old. It is not, nor will it be with current battery tech and infrastructure.

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