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‘Nothing in Gaza but death’ as Israeli attacks continue targeting civilians

 @9GPZKDP from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the region, maybe the world. The reality is that if the IDF wants to invade the strip they'll have to soften up hamas's defensive positions which fully utilize the densely populated area and the surrounding structures. We already know hamas's tunnel network spreads all across the Gaza strip with various entrances lining the way. Their war infrastructure isn't sitting out in the open with a big red target in full view of the IDF. If I recall, Israel wanted to go in weeks earlier but at the behest of western diplomats, waite…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Funny that you claim "younger and more left-wing individuals" are the naive ones for siding against a genocidal nation, meanwhile you are somehow not naive for agreeing with every piece of Israeli state propaganda against the people they're actively massacring...

 @9GPZKDP from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

The reality is that hamas are not the righteous freedom fighters you think they are but rather bloodthirsty, sadistic savages that give isis a run for their money. Israel has every right to launch a ground operation and eradicate this terrorist group. In fact, the quicker that hamas is eliminated the better it will be for the Palestinian people. We already know that Palestine under hamas control is undemocratic and that Palestinians, specifically those in the Gaza strip are poverty stricken. 80% of Gaza residents live in poverty but yet hamas can fund an entire arsenal of rockets and the cons…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

The fact that you call Hamas militants "bloodthirsty, sadistic savages" and yet the Israeli militants are not just further shows your internalized xenophobia and/or Islamophobia. Israel is blatantly slaughtering thousands of civilians while convincing idiots that it's in the name of "counter-terrorism", as they continue their acts of genocide. And yes, what they're doing IS genocide, according to every definition, historian, and political analyst. You would have to have your head pretty deep in the sand of Liberal Zionist propaganda to convince yourself that what…  Read more