Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @9H2K3QP from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

The question of whether nations have the right to develop and possess nuclear-capable hypersonic weapons is a matter of international law, security, and ethical considerations. The possession and development of nuclear weapons are regulated by international agreements such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote disarmament.

Arguments in favor of nations having the right to develop and possess such weapons often revolve around national security concerns and the concept of deterrence. Proponents argue that…  Read more

 @9H2M4FP from Louisiana answered…7mos7MO

we shouldn't because its not just war we are talking about, peoples lives are at stake and winning a war is nothing if their are no people left to enjoy the fredoms gained from it.

 @9H2M5BKDemocrat from California answered…7mos7MO

No, the race to become a bigger world power is just a means to a race to end the world that we all reside in, such powerful weapons are not necessary for international affairs.

 @9H2LB3TPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Yes, because we both have beliefs how we should protect our country with defenses.

 @9H2MSSS from Wisconsin answered…7mos7MO

Nations have the right to have weapons, but nuclear weapons are dangerous enough that they need to be restricted anyways