Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @9HBD892Progressive from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

Men have rights as well as others, but have historically had more power than others and have had more supremacy over others; therefore their rights have been met more than those who identify with another gender. The way that men are raised should be changed so that men know they can express their emotions and don't have to hide them, and that they shouldn't be suppressed by that "manly" stereotype. Moreover, they should also be raised to be responsible and respectful towards others instead of thinking that they'll get let off the hook if they do whatever they please, especially if people say things like "he's too young to understand" when a 20 year-old man rapes someone.

 @9HBDBMT from Washington D.C. answered…7mos7MO

They are often viewed as being tougher, therefore they can’t be taken advantage of. They’re also more likely to be convicted of crimes they’re accused of without substantial evidence, less likely to be awarded custody of their children, even if the mother is unfit, less likely to be accepted into a shelter or find help, especially if they are a single parent with children of the opposite sex.

 @9H9FZMM from Colorado answered…7mos7MO

The expectation that they should hide their feelings is very harmful and leads to suicide. Stop that.

 @9H9GL2Lfrom Washington answered…7mos7MO

If a man kowtows to society, then he has, himself, forsaken the responsibilities and honour to which he is primarily bound. However, when society demands anything from men, such as fiscal superiority before marriage or partnership, one cannot blame men for falling marriage rates and higher divorce rates as women continue to challenge the dominance of men fiscally. Also, with the potency of allegations of rape, sexual harassment, or general creepiness, able to seep worldwide in an instant via the internet, it would appear that our future society will either force a return to simpler times, else press forth and inevitably alter itself further into deviant and isolationist divides.

 @9HBDCMD from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

Yes, majority of people who work jobs such as construction and all of these intensive labor jobs are men and if they get changed then it could damage the economy.

 @9HBDD22Socialist from Washington answered…7mos7MO

The patriarchy and traditional view of what a man is upholds toxic masculinity and suppresses men from acting in a healthy and safe way due to societal grooming and expectations.

 @9HBD4MF from New Hampshire answered…7mos7MO

Fundamentalism in anything is bad, including feminism. Try to avoid extremes in anything, and remember that males are human too.

 @9HBLJ9W from Texas answered…7mos7MO

The societal expectation of men is that of someone who is strong and usually does all of the dirty. Although, not all men can meet that expectation. Meaning that those men that can't meat that expectation are hurtful to label them as a group. I believe all people are different and deserve to be treated that way and not judged for being a certain way.


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