Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9H65NGD from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Politics should be more separate from. Religion as Religion is too leaned towards beliefs of a small group and less towards the wants and needs of the whole people

 @9H65JXP from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

"Sociological Francoism" is a term I learned about through this website, and I find it a bit ridiculous that it's listed under ideologies here. It's Spanish fascism and there doesn't seem to be need to demarcate it differently in the English language section of this website. Spanish language section? Sure, it makes perfect sense. English language section - do you really expect anyone to recognize this?

Nevertheless, my uninformed American self will make an attempt to answer. Spain is in the EU. The end-goal of the European Union is a federal Europe; most Euroskeptic…  Read more