Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Do you think the human race will ever reach a point where war is obsolete?

 @Oryous  from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

The human race can definitely reach that point once the competition of capitalism is removed from our society

 @9HX48VW from Kansas agreed…5mos5MO

I think that other systems like socialism may work better, but I do not believe that pure communism will ever truly work due to the inherent need within humans for power, which will unfortunately and inevitably create a power dynamic.

 @Oryous  from Illinois agreed…5mos5MO

Because we agree on the efficiency of socialism, I would like to make it know that socialism is a transitional phase on the path to communism. So if socialism is capable of working, it shows that communism can work. Additionally, humans have a desire to be EMPOWERED but not necessarily a desire for positions of power within a society, many people are willing to be a part of a collective or commune joined by a particular objective. That's what working for a corporation ever is and it would not be different with capital removed, the focus would just change from how much value you can extract from your environment and others, but instead it becomes what can we share and work towards that brings about our unified prosperity. Free of money, class, or states. In the event of a power struggle, people are free to dissolve the leadership when they see they are no longer serving their purpose of the collective. This activity has been demonstrated to function perfectly fine within many organizations and free communes WITHINRead more capitalism so there's no reason why people could not achieve the same thing outside of this capitalistic system. I don't view your conclusion on power to be wrong but I find the attribution of power hunger being innate to human nature as a false association. A deeper understanding of the functions of communism and people would broaden the understanding of how capital causes power struggles to begin with because a capitalistic society is based on the accumulation of wealth: the less you have, the more disadvantages you have in society because the wealthy want to keep theirs, the more desperate you are to take from the rich through taxes and fees, the more crime and law enforcement and prisons and politicians and the like are all funded by these wealthy individuals to safeguard their wealth from poorer individuals struggling for power. Money = opportunity = wealth = comfort. If you remove money, you would get opportunity = wealth = comfort because society would not be based on capital but be based on what you make of opportunity that is equally given to everyone and raise the wealth of every person involved, thus increasing the comfort and living standards of every person. With money removed, you would have people working because they get something out of it, not some false hope for a piece of the pie. The power struggle arises out of this false hope for power under capitalism and would easily be remedied by giving every person the opportunity to be EMPOWERED, which is something offered under the individual organizations found under communism.