Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9HCR4GVRepublican from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I think acceptance is important but I think there should be certain regulations on it. You should be able to be who you are, loved, and accepted for all that you are, but a 6 year old should not have to be at school and be hearing about getting a sex change or getting things taken from their body. If that is what they choose to do when they are older then that is perfectly fine, and they should be loved for who they become after that along with accepted but I do not think they should have to hear about it in school, or public, or anything like that. The less attention you draw to something the more accepted it becomes. If you do not teach someone to judge, or that it is different, or weird, they will just automatically accept it as a norm.

 @9HCR9ZP from Utah answered…6mos6MO

 @9HCR8YY from Indiana answered…6mos6MO

It is never a weakness to accept and love others even if they are different. We can only strengthen our society by united with each other, rather than continuing to divide over every issue.

 @9HFSTFR from Vermont answered…6mos6MO

If we accepted LGBT there would be less depression, people wouldn't put themselves apart from each other just because of who they identify as or like. It would improve society if we just accepted that we can't change people.