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2 Replies

 @9H4GXFX from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Some of the key reasons are detailed below. Criminals, by definition, do not obey the law. Gun control laws only affect law-abiding people who go through legal avenues to obtain firearms. Criminals overwhelmingly obtain their firearms through illegal channels and will never be deterred by state and federal laws.

 @9H4GVPJfrom Guam disagreed…7mos7MO

The United States already is a tyrannical argument. Capitalism reigns supreme, and the US government just loves to back coups and fight wars across the world to fight against people that threaten it or some rich persons capital. It's **** ing awful and imperialistic. You also fail to consider that most if not all politically stable nations around the world have tight gun control laws. Australia, Europe and more are proven to be very stable and have tight gun control. The United States government is already tyrannical, and its their own fault for getting there. Because of the unfortunate circumstances the US finds itself in, in the context of it it has become nessesary for individuals to carry guns! I think that's sad. It should never come to that.


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