Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9HL7WTZ from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

Language barriers impact the the different racial groups in our community because one might not be heard right or understood and we need to make sure everyone's opinion is heard.

 @9HL8YSB from New York answered…6mos6MO

There are multiple barriers for people who speak English as a second language in integrating successfully into a community. They need translation services (not always easily accessed and can cost money), not many signs labeled in their language so they can't access critical building's and services without assistance, and English-only speakers don't understand any requests for help if they're lost or in danger and may become annoyed with the individual who doesn't speak English, making the interaction only more intolerable and unhelpful.

 @YumiLibertarian  from Indiana answered…6mos6MO

When people from countries like Asia or Africa come to my school, I almost feel sad for them because they’ve communicated with me (in broken English of course) that they have no idea what’s going in in their class or what lessons are being taught. It makes me wonder how much that affects their grade.

 @9HL8PCRLibertarian from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

language barriers impact simply because it's considered a barrier. language barriers make it harder to understand people

 @9HL7WKK from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Theirs discrimination surrounded the language barrier but the people that care learned how to work with it.