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Supreme Court to decide access to abortion pill

 @BobolinkHannahRepublican from Connecticut commented…6mos6MO

You know who won't get to decide?

The over 600,000 baby girls and boys aborted each year in America...

Not one could be reached for comment.

 @D3mocratBasmatiGreenfrom Pennsylvania commented…6mos6MO

Because they are not boys and girls. They are non viable outside womb fetal tissue.

The pill is for 8 weeks or less pregnancy.

All 600,000 unwanted forced births are staying at your place?

 @BobolinkHannahRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…6mos6MO

Tell me when in the History of the Planet, that a Zygote(a fertilized human egg) when allowed to come to full term became ANYTHING other than a Human boy or girl...

Not a Dolphin, Not a Kitty Cat, not a Magnolia Tree, but a Human being...

I'll wait.