Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9HYYLY8 from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

Because the need for change is so dire, I think radical moves to decrease atmospherical temperature would be beneficial.

 @9J4RZ7PRepublican from Washington disagreed…5mos5MO

Radical action against climate change will not stand. Although I believe there needs to be action taken against climate change, radical action will only infuriate, and not persuade, people who are opposed. Instead, climate change needs to be addressed in a more subtle way, indicating that the fate of future generations, including our children, could be at stake if climate change is not combated efficiently.


I believe that if we conserve the energy we put into electrical appliances and factories, the environment that we live in currently would not be polluted which decreases the climate change problems affecting us today.

 @9HYYNGWDemocrat from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

It depends on who the majority is, either it will help or hinder the situation.

 @9HYZD5K from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I think that compromise is the only solution to environmental challenges, so radical thinking will not help. It will only further seperate the people and corporations.