Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Because it is not fair to them for us to be taught about different body types when they are not being taught. It causes them to be significantly more insecure and could aid in lower mental health in males.


so that it can be normal to have these discussions in the future

 @9HZTQKHIndependent from California agreed…5mos5MO

Women’s figure has always been discussed and has always been a topic amongst our bringing up, with men however, it is not as normalized and we need to be able to acknowledge these feelings that they may share with us.

 @9HYR8B8 from North Carolina disagreed…5mos5MO

there are only 2 genders and a cant change your mind halfway through life and god made each person they way he wanted the m yo be

 @9HXCQGKWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Boys dont really have a body image issue. They take out their hate on women while expecting them to be skinny supermodels and the boy looks like a discord moderator.

 @9HYX82M from Pennsylvania disagreed…5mos5MO

All people, regardless of gender, can experience body image issues. By bringing up the conversation surrounding body image pressures on young boys, more people will be able to understand and give help to people who struggle with this issue.