Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @9J2ZLBL from California answered…5mos5MO

I think we should abandon the ways of thinking that certain genders have certain roles specific to them as it is a very close-minded and often toxic way of thinking. Promote and encourage people to live how they want to live and do what makes them happy and/or fits their situation best.

 @55HJKYL disagreed…4mos4MO

Encouraging people to live however they want can lead to people wanting to live in ways they should not, whether morally or practically. While different individuals have different strengths and weaknesses, it is also true that men and women are naturally designed to fulfill certain roles specific to them. Calling this "toxic" has directly contributed to the breakdown of our society. People should instead encourage others to discover fulfillment within their natural gender roles. Encouraging people to break these gender roles encourages selfishness, and is antithetical to the goals of a thriving community and society.

 @9J32MVPSocialist from Indiana agreed…5mos5MO

Being limited in what we do goes against the values this country was founded on. We were built on *freedom* as our bottom line. We need to let the people live how they want

 @9J2ZQMQRepublican from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

My views on gender roles are very old in the sense that I believe that the man should provide for the people in their family.

 @9J64SH2 from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

men are fully capable of being there for there families and taking care of the house just as well, sometimes better, than a woman. people should not be assigned certain social que's due to their physical appearance.

 @9J2ZGW9 from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

I feel that both men and women share equal rights with responsibilities to go to work or stay home. There is no hierarchy

 @9J6MXCC from Maryland agreed…4mos4MO

Everyone has their own choice in what they do now but there still instances when men might be paid more than women and there aren't many opportunities for women to work in "manly jobs"

 @9J33379 from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

Gender roles shape our lives at home depending on the individual, some men are stay at home dads and sometimes it is vise versa.

 @9J2ZGKFRepublican from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

I think people expect men to be the one in the family that is out working for hours in order to pay for the taxes and everything the family needs while the Mother stays at home and makes sure the house is clean, kids are doing good, and prepares food.

 @9J2ZRVD from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

I think that gender roles are something that is never going to go away but, we should not restrict them too much. Some men are going to be better in the household than the woman they choose to be with and that's okay.

 @9J2ZJPZ from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

I believe gender roles affect both genders but for men in specific it calls for them to be a provider and hardworking.


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