Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @SolidHedgehogDemocratfrom Massachusetts commented…5mos5MO

As the Jewish person who's had to plead with my even lefty-er friends why they need to stop using this quote, I'm so exhausted. Can we just sweep Bibi into the sea?

 @WakefulMonkeySocialist from Massachusetts commented…5mos5MO

It's been the de facto policy of Israel for decades but you can only acknowledge it once he says the words which is why you guys spent so much time yelling about 18 year olds saying it. It's pathetic

 @SolidHedgehogDemocratfrom Massachusetts commented…5mos5MO

He should not say this. I do understand why. He thinks the Palestinians are simply too dangerous to be allowed to have a state. Is this true? Maybe. In 10 or 20 years? Who knows? I certainly hope he's wrong. But that was the hope when Israel left Gaza in 2005. How'd that go?

 @ScornfulP0litic4lPlatformPeace and Freedom from Hawaii commented…5mos5MO

Oh silly us. Now we get it. If Palestine says "From the river to the see" then it's terrorism, but if the self declared "Savior of Israel" Netanyahu says it, that is humanitarian, even divine. If only we listen more clearly. Seriously, Netanyahu your crimes will be judged by God.

 @ZealousMantisGreen from Massachusetts commented…5mos5MO

He used to say "from the Jordan to the Sea," meaning the entire state of Jordan to the sea. Now that he needs Jordan's support he has revised his language to include "river" and omit Jordan, believing people don't know "river" means Jordan.

 @ScornfulP0litic4lPlatformPeace and Freedom from Hawaii commented…5mos5MO

Soon it will be from river to river, or from the Nile to the Euphrates, as that’s the plan for Eretz Israel, or “Greater” Israel. From the River to the sea is a criminal offence in some countries as hate speech if a pro-Palestinian says it, but a Zionist, all good. SMH

 @BatJuliaSocialist from Oklahoma commented…5mos5MO

A middle finger to Biden and a declaration of war on all of Palestine and Hezbollah.

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