Try the political quiz

4 Replies


We can use technology to vote from home, learn about candidates, we already use it to watch elections and court cases/trials, why not bring some more relevant qualities to technology?

 @9JT5YPB from California disagreed…4mos4MO

some people might think that voting from home might be a better and more convenient way to vote; however i think it should not be a case of convenience. Voting at home may increase the chances of cheating more easily and frequently. people already do this by going to ballots, so having the opportunity to do it at home can increase fake ballots and votes.

 @9JS5ZS6 from West Virginia answered…4mos4MO

This question is very broad and there are to many factors to be able to answer it correctly. Technology advances rappidly and it is constantly changing things in our culture where it is difficult to keep up with. I believe that Techno-Progressivisim is important and that we need to continue to strive to regulate technology when situatons arize that bring the need into focus.



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