Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Popular Socialism


If pets could be embraced by a whole community rather than owned by individuals, how would you engage with animals?

 @9JS55MV  from Texas answered…4mos4MO

i would learn when and what i need to do to keep that pet healthy put my money forward for feed, vet visits etc.

 @9JVKRFXIndependent from Wisconsin disagreed…4mos4MO

I believe if the whole community owns the pets and holds them in a specific place they wouldn't get enough attention with work life and jobs and that place would end up more like a pound. It would be a playground that no one uses or used little and the pets wouldn't form bonds with an owner which is what makes a pet so special. Also your comment doesn't make sense towards the question you are talking about owning the pet putting your money forward not the communities like in the question.