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5 Replies

 @SuperiorL1ber4lConstitution from Texas commented…4mos4MO

I have to disagree. What Florida has done should be the law across the entire country. Illegal aliens should not be able to work in this country, period. In addition, proof of citizenship or legal residency should be required for access to any government funded programs including public schools and hospitals. The only way to stop illegal immigration is to take away the incentives to break our laws.

 @AmusedToucanDemocrat from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

E-verify is available to all employers. You don’t need a law to mandate it to make it accessible. Maybe you can ask the Floridian employers why they didn’t do their part to protect the country.

Also FYI public schools are paid via property taxes which is paid whether you are legal or not.

 @SuperiorL1ber4lConstitution from Texas commented…4mos4MO

Yes, sir, agree completely. Only after the USA eliminates what attracts illegal immigration will the country solve its immigration crisis. We need to step up prosecution of employers whose business plans include hiring illegal labor.

 @B1llOfRightsRichieRepublican from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

The "need" for cheap labor is a stupid excuse for allowing unchecked illegal immigration.

 @GrizzledDeerDemocrat from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Yes, but it’s a policy uniting big corporate Republicans looking to lower wages and Democrats looking to achieve rapid demographic change while expanding their voter base with third world, welfare dependent people.

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