Try the political quiz

2 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Don't make me laugh.

I gave up on trying that long ago, you don't seem to appreciate (or sometimes even notice) sarcasm...

Other countries use single-payer systems and it’s vastly more efficient for less.

Unless you count the 3.7 million people in Britain who are waiting for non-urgent medical operations, a number that has consistently been going up since Britain socialised healthcare, 0r 1 in 14 Britons, not to mention the fact that hospitals are so overcrowded that three women in labor were turned away in Glasgow recently without ANY medical assistance (Heaven knows what fate…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

What can I say? I’m a dense guy sometimes who lacks social cue recognition, but regardless, the problem of government healthcare lies mostly in the maximum amount of resources to make the free healthcare possible. The UK has limited resources, and as such, uses them to its maximum capacity to make healthcare work. They’re making the most of it, and the problems afterwards are less the governments fault and more that they need more resources (something we can use corporations to provide rather than letting them simply rule the healthcare system). If we switched even further to a…  Read more

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